Salmela Aina Aliina Aleksintytär
Parkano church records
b.31.5.1887 Parkano
Parents: Aleksius Henrikinpoika Salmela b.3.11.1858 Virrat and Susanna Margareta Joonantytär b.27.10.1862
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898
The family moved to Pirkkala 1898.
Passport record 14.8.1903 (Aina Alina Salmela)
On mother´s passport to America, worker´s daughter from Pirkkala
Passenger record (Aino Salmela)
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 16 years
Plans to continue 25.8.1903 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination Boston MA. Travelling with mother and siblings.
Boston passenger lists (Aino Salmela)
Sails from Liverpool on Ivernia 25.8.1903 and arrives in Boston Sept 1903. Going to friend Wm S Jonsaari, 17 Charter Str, Boston. Father Alex Salmela is living with Jonsaari, father has stayed in the US for 2 years. Travelling with mother and siblings
Personal information: Aino Salmela, 16 years, a child from Hanko. Able to read and write. Mother has paid the ticket. Not in the US before.
Salmela Aleksander Aleksinpoika
Parkano church records
b.5.9.1889 Parkano
Parents: Aleksius Henrikinpoika Salmela b.3.11.1858 Virrat and Susanna Margareta Joonantytär b.27.10.1862
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898
The family moved to Pirkkala 1898.
Passport record 14.8.1903 (Aleksanderi Salmela)
On mother´s passport to America, worker´s son from Pirkkala
Passenger record (Alex Salmela)
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 14 years
Plans to continue 25.8.1903 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination Boston MA. Travelling with mother and siblings.
Boston passenger lists (Alex Salmela)
Sails from Liverpool on Ivernia 25.8.1903 and arrives in Boston Sept 1903. Going to friend Wm S Jonsaari, 17 Charter Str, Boston. Father Alex Salmela is living with Jonsaari, father has stayed in the US for 2 years. Travelling with mother and siblings
Personal information: Alex Salmela, 14 years, a child from Hanko. Able to read and write. Mother has paid the ticket. Not in the US before.
Salmela aka Niinimäki Aleksius Henrikinpoika
Parkano church records
b.3.11.1858 Virrat
Wife: Susanna Margareta Joonantytär b.27.10.1862 Parkano. Married 10.11.1883
Children: Lempi Maria b.3.4.1885, Aina Aliina b.31.5.1887, Aleksander b.5.9.1889, Anna b.22.11.1891, Josef b.20.12.1893 and Olga b.15.4.1896 and Lydia b. 1904 in Pirkkala. The older chldren were born in Parkano.
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 1893 or 1894 from Niinimäki farm.
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898 from Salmela farm
The family moved to Pirkkala 1898
Passport record Feb 1902 to America (Alexius Salmela)
Married worker from Pirkkala, b. 1858. Wife and 6 children stay in Finland
Passenger record 8.2.1902 (Aleksi Salmela)
From Hanko on Polaris, age 43 years
Plans to continue on American Line. Destination New York NY
New York passenger lists (Aleksi Salmela)
Sails from Southampton on St.Louis 15.2.1902 and arrives in New York 24.2.1902. Going to friend Hornberg?, 15 Broadway New York, NY
Personal information: Aleksi Salmela, 43 years, married laborer from Finland. Able to read and write. Paid his own ticket and has 36 dollars. Has been in the US before, time and place not indicated.
Salmela Enok Edvard
Parkano church recods
I cannot find him in Parkano births. He is probably from Ikaalinen
Ikaalinen church records
b. 4.1.1872 Ikaalinen
Parents: Tailor David Markuksenpoika Niskala, Selin b. 28.5.1835 d. 6.7.1888 Ikaalinen and Vilhelmiina Eerikintytär Luomanhaara b. 19.5.1838.
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America from Ikaalinen 21.1.1893.
Gets a pastor´s certificate from Ikaalinen for marriage in America 18.10.1900. Certificate was given to Mrs Männistö, Enok´s brother David Nikolai´s wife Hilma.
According to Ikaalinen church books, Enok married 20.12.1900 by pastor A.Hukkanen in America, wife was Edit Helena Aapontytär Oikari b.20.2.1881 Karstula
Passport record 5.11.1902 to USA
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer, single
Passport record 5.11.1902 to USA (Enok Edward Salmela)
Occupation in Finland: tenant farmer from Parkano, single
Passenger record 12.11.1902 (Enok Selin)
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 31 years
Plans to continue 19.11.1902 on Celtic, White Star Line
Destination: Orange TX
Passport record to USA 12.12.1905
Occupation in Finland: Farmer, single
Passenger record 13.12.1903
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 33 years
Plans to continue 20.12.1905 on Celtic, White Star Line
Destination: Beaumont TX
New York passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Celtic 20.12.1905 and arrives in New York 30.12.1905. Going to friend Jani Mantela, Beaumont Texas.
Personal information: Enok Salmela, 33 years, married laborer from Parkano. Has 10 dollars with him. Has lived in Beaumont TX 1902-03
Salmela Lempi Maria Aleksintytär
Parkano church records
Parents: Aleksius Henrikinpoika Salmela b.3.11.1858 Virrat and Susanna Margareta Joonantytär b.27.10.1862
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898
The family moved to Pirkkala 1898. I am not sure Lempi emigrated at all.
Salmela Olga Aleksintytär
Parkano church records
Parents: Aleksius Henrikinpoika Salmela b.3.11.1858 Virrat and Susanna Margareta Joonantytär b.27.10.1862
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898
The family moved to Pirkkala 1898.
Passport record 14.8.1903 (Olga Salmela)
On mother´s passport to America, worker´s daughter from Pirkkala
Passenger record (Olga Salmela)
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 7 years
Plans to continue 25.8.1903 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination Boston MA. Travelling with mother and siblings.
Boston passenger lists (Olga Salmela)
Sails from Liverpool on Ivernia 25.8.1903 and arrives in Boston Sept 1903. Going to friend Wm S Jonsaari, 17 Charter Str, Boston. Father Alex Salmela is living with Jonsaari, father has stayed in the US for 2 years. Travelling with mother and siblings
Personal information: Olga Salmela, 7 years, a child from Hanko. Able to read and but not write. Mother has paid the ticket. Not in the US before.
Salmela (Niinimäki) Susanna Margareta Joonantytär
Parkano church records
b. 27.10.1862 Parkano
Husband: Aleksius Henrikinpoika Niinimäki,Salmela b. 3.11.1858 Virrat. Married 10.11.1883
Children: Lempi Maria b. 3.4.1885, Aina Aliina b. 31.5.1887, Aleksander b. 5.9.1889, Anna b. 22.11.1891, Josef b. 20.12.1893, Olga b. 15.4.1896 and Lydia Emilia b. 1904. The older children born in Parkano, Lydia probably in Pirkkala.
Pastor´s certificate for a passport to America 9.8.1898
The family moved from Parkano to Pirkkala 1898
Passport record to America 14.8.1903 (Susnana Margaretha Salmela)
Worker´s wife from Pirkkala. On the same passport children Aina Alina, Aleksanderi, Olga and Lydia Emilia
Passenger record 19.8.1903 (Susanna Salmela)
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 40 years. Travelling with children Aino, Olga, Alex and Lydia.
Plans to continue 25.8.1903 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination Boston MA
Boston passenger lists (Susanna Salmela)
Sails fro Liverpool on Ivernia 25.8.1903 and arrives in Boston Sept 1903. Going to friend Wm S Jonsaari, 17 Charter Str, Boston MA. Husband Alex Salmela is living with Jonsaari and has stayed in the US for 2 years. Travelling with children Aino, Olga, Alex and Lydia
Personal information: Susanna Salmela, age 40 years, married wife from Hanko. Able to read but not write. Has paid the ticket of herself and her children, has 28 dollars. Not in the US before