Niemelä Aina Wilhelmina Joosefintytär
Parkano church records
b. 19.7.1894 Parkano Lapinneva village Niemelä farm
Parents: Tenant farmer Jooseppi Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä b. 20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA and Aleksandra Mikontytär Marjamäki b. 14.12.1863 Parkano d. 1952 USA
Passenger record 19.7.1911 (Aina Niemelä)
From Hanko on Titania, age 16 years. Travelling with Senja Niemelä.
Plans to continue 28.7.1911 on Empress of Britain, CPR Line. Destination Quebec PQ
Border crossings from Canada (Aina Niemela)
Sails from Liverpool on Empress of Britain 28.7.1911 and arrives in Quebec 4.8.1911. Crosses the border to the US from Canada. Going to father J Niemela, Mass City MI
Personal information: Aina Niemala, 16 years, single domestic from Parkano. Able to read and write. Nearest relative in Finland ? Koskela, Lapinnevankylä, Parkano. Father has paid the ticket, Aina has 25 dollars. She has not been in the US before. Aina is 4ft 8 in, has light skin, brown hair and eyes
Niemelä (Marjamäki) Aleksandra Mikontytär
Parkano church records
b.14.12.1863 Parkano d. 1952 USA (dod from son John´s obituary)
Parents: Tenant farmer Mikko Tanelinpoika (Michel Danielsson) Vuorijärvi, Marjamäki b. 17.10.1827 Parkano and Senobia Markuksentytär b. 2.7.1837 Karvia d. 10.2.1864 Parkano
Husband: Joosef Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä b.20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA
Children: See Joosef Niemelä below
Note: Aleksandra´s sister Elisabet b. 2.6.1860 married Albert Koskela b. 22.10.1869, who emigrated to Mass City MI
Passport record 11.8.1910 to America
Occupation in Finland: Lodger´s wife, married
On the same passport children Tyyne b.1890 and Eino b.1904
Passenger record 17.8.1910
From Hanko on Titania, age 45 years
Plans to continue 26.8.1910 on Empress of Ireland, C.P.R. Line
Destination: Quebec PQ
Travelling with Tyyne and Ilmari Niemelä
Border crossings from Canada (Alexandra Niemela)
Sails from Liverpool on Empress of Ireland 26.8.1910 and arrives in Quebec 1.9.1910. Crosses the border to the US from Canada. Going to husband J Niemela, Box no 3, Mass MI. Travelling with children Tyyni and Ilmari.
Personal information: Alexandra Niemela, 45 years, a wife from Parkano. Able to read and write. Not in the US before. Husband has paid the ticket. Alexandra has 65 dollars. She is 5 ft 3 inches, has light skin, brown hair and eyes.
US Census 1930 (Alexandra Niemela)
Living with husband and son Arthur in Greenland, Ontonagon county, MI. Age 66 years, married at 19. No occupation. Immigration 1910. Alien, does not speak English
Niemelä Eino Ilmari* aka Niemela Elmer
Parkano church records
b. 1904 Parkano Parents: Tenant farmer Jooseppi Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä aka Joseph Niemela b. 20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA and Aleksandra Mikontytär Marjamäki b. 14.12.1863 Parkano d. 1952 USA
Passport record 11.8.1910 to America
Occupation in Finland: Lodger´s son
Recorded on the passport of mother Aleksandra b.1863
Passenger record 17.8.1910
From Hanko on Titania
Plans to continue 26.8.1910 on Empress of Ireland, C.P.R. Line
Destination: Quebec PQ
Travelling with Tyyne and Aleksandra Niemelä
Border crossings from Canada (Ilmari Niemela)
Sails from Liverpool on Empress of Ireland 26.8.1910 and arrives in Quebec 1.9.1910. Crosses the border to the US from Canada. Going to father J Niemela, Box no 3, Mass MI. Travelling with mother and sister Tyyni
Personal information: Ilmari Niemela, 5 years, child from Parkano. Not in the US before. Father has paid the ticket
Niemelä Herman Anshelm
Parkano church records
b. 11.6.1887 Parkano
Parents: Tenant farmer Nikolai Antinpoika Niemelä b. 11.2.1851 Parkano and Maria Matilda Esaiantytär b. 30.6.1858 Parkano
Passport record 1.4.1905 to USA
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer´s son, single
Passenger record 5.4.1905
From Hanko on Polaris, age: adult
Plans to continue 15.4.1905 on Etruria, Cunard Line
Destination: Hibbing MN
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Saxonia 11.4.1905 and arrives in Boston 21.4.1905. Going to brother Villiam Niemi, Stevenson, St Louis county MN.
Personal information: Herman Niemelä, 18 years, single laborer from Hanko, Finland. Able to read and write. Has not been in the US before. Ticket paid by brother, Herman has 15 dollars.
Herman seems to return to Finland and emigrate again:
New York passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Baltic 20.5.1911 and arrives in New York 29.5.1911. Going to sister Selma Kallio, Box 55, Stevenson MN.
Personal information: Herman Niemelä, 23 years, single laborer from Parkano. Nearest relative in Finland father Nikolai Niemelä, Nerkoonkylä, Parkano. Able to read and write. Has paid his own ticket and now has 30 dollars. Herman has lived in Stevenson MN before, year unclear, 1904-? Herman is 6 ft, has light skin, brown hair and blue eyes.
Niemelä Jooseppi
Parkano church records
b.20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1952 USA (dod from son John´s obituary)
Mother: Eeva Stiina Mikontytär Ristamäki b. 26.1.1834. Jooseppi was born out of wedlock.
Wife: Aleksandra Mikontytär Marjamäki b.14.12.1863 Parkano
Children: Josef Arthur* b.13.10.1883, Johannes b.8.1.1888, Tyyne Julia b.21.3.1890, Yrjö b.2.5.1893 d.5.5.1893, Aina Wilhelmina b.19.7.1894, Senia Aleksandra b.31.10.1896, Hilmi Elisabet b.30.4.1899 d.1900 and Eino Ilmari (Elmer) b.1904. All children born in Parkano
Passport record 22.10.1902
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer, married
On the same passport son Josef Artur. Wife and 6 children remain in Finland.
Passenger record 25.10.1902
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 44 years. Travelling with son Artur
Plans to continue 30.10.1902 on Pretorian, Allan Line
Destination: Mass City MI
Possibly returns to Finland, unverified
Border crossings from Canada 1902
Sails from Liverpool 30.10.1902 on Pretorian and arrives in Quebec 10.11.1902. Arrives in the US from Canada. Going to friend Alfred Koskela, Box 115, Mass City MI. ( Note: Alfred Koskela was husband of wife Alexandra´s sister, Elisabet)
Personal information: Jooseppi Niemelä, 44 years, married laborer from Turku.
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool 31.1.1905 on Saxonia and arrives in Boston 9.2.1905. Going to friend or cousin Otto Koskela, Box 115 Mass City MI. (Note: Otto Koskela was son of wife Alexandra´s sister, Elisabet Koskela)
Personal information: Josepi Niemelä, 46 years, married laborer from Pori. Has been in Mass City MI for one year 1903.
Passenger record 26.5.1909
Needs to be verified if this is the same person
From Hanko on Titania
Plans to continue 3.6.1909 on Laurentic, White Star Line
Destination: Mass MI
US census 1920 (Joseph Niemela)
Living with wife and son Elmer in Morse, St Louis county MN. Age 59 years, occupation carpenter in St Croix Lbr? Immigration 1908?, naturalization pending 1917. Not able to read, write or speak English.
US census 1930 (Joseph Niemela)
Living with wife and son Arthur in Greenland, Ontonagon county MI. Owns his house, value 2000 dollars. Age 70 years, married at 23. Immigration 1895, alien, does not speak English. Occupation carpenter, works from house.
Niemelä Jooseppi
Passenger record 13.3.1907
From Hanko on Polaris, age 42 years
Plans to continue 19.3.1907 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination: Mass City MI
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Ivernia 19.3.1907 and arrives in Boston 28.3.1907. Going to friend Jane Kangas, Box 191, Mass City MI
Personal information: Josepi Niemelä, 42 years, married laborer from Parkano. Able to read and write. Has paid his own ticket and now has 10 dollars. Jooseppi has lived in the US 1905-06, place difficult to read. He is 5ft 8 inches, has light skin, brown hair and brown eyes.
Niemelä Josef Artur aka Arthur Niemela
Parkano church records
b.13.10.1883 Parkano d.31.1.1953 Minnesota
Parents: Tenant farmer Joosef Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä b.20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA and Aleksandra Mikontytär Marjamäki b.14.12.1863 Parkano d.1952 USA
Has emigrated to America 1902
Passport record 22.10.1902
Passport issued to father Jooseppi b.1859
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer´s son, single
Passenger record 25.10.1902
From Hanko on Arcturus, travelling with father Jooseppi
Plans to continue 30.10.1902 on Pretorian, Allan Line
Destination: Mass City MI
Border crossings from Canada 1902
Sails from Liverpool 30.10.1902 on Pretorian and arrives in Quebec 10.11.1902. Arrives in the US from Canada. Going to friend Alfred Koskela, Box 115, Mass City MI.
Personal information: Artur Niemelä, 19 years. Single laborer from Turku. Has not been in the US before
US Census 1930 (Arthur Niemela)
Living with parents in Greenland, Ontonagon, MI. Age 45 years. Single, occupation laborer in logging camp. Immigration 1903, alien, does speak English.
Niemelä Senja Aleksandra Joosefintytär
Parkano church records
b. 31.10.1896 Parkano Lapinneva village Niemelä farm
Parents: Tenant farmer Jooseppi Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä b. 20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA and Aleksandra Mikontytär b. 14.12.1863 Parkano d. 1952 USA
Passenger record 19.7.1911 (Senja Niemelä)
From Hanko on Titania, age 14 years. Travelling with Aina Niemelä.
Plans to continue 28.7.1911 on Empress of Britain, CPR Line. Destination Quebec PQ
Border crossings from Canada (Senja Niemela)
Sails from Liverpool on Empress of Britain 28.7.1911 and arrives in Quebec 4.8.1911. Crosses the border to the US from Canada. Going to father J Niemela, Mass City MI
Personal information: Senja Niemala, 14 years, single domestic from Parkano. Able to read and write. Nearest relative in Finland ? Koskela, Lapinnevankylä, Parkano. Father has paid the ticket, Senja has 25 dollars. She has not been in the US before. Senja is 4ft 8 in, has light skin, brown hair and eyes
Brother John Makinen´s obituary in The Ontonagon Herald newspaper May 14, 1964
Sister Senja Salo in Cloquet MN
Niemelä , Hietala Tyyne Julia
Parkano church records
b.21.3.1890 Parkano
Parents: Tenant farmer Joosef Eevanpoika Mäkinen, Niemelä b.20.6.1859 Parkano d. 1937 USA and Aleksandra Mikontytär Marjamäki b.14.12.1863 Parkano d. 1952 USA
Passport record 11.8.1910 to America
Occupation in Finland: Lodger´s daughter
Recorded on the passport of mother Aleksandra b.1863
Passenger record 17.8.1910
From Hanko on Titania
Plans to continue 26.8.1910 on Empress of Ireland, C.P.R. Line
Destination: Quebec PQ
Travelling with Aleksandra and Ilmari Niemelä
Border crossings from Canada (Tyyni Niemela)
Sails from Liverpool on Empress of Ireland 26.8.1910 and arrives in Quebec 1.9.1910. Crosses the border to the US from Canada. Going to father J Niemela, Box no 3, Mass MI. Travelling with mother and brother Ilmari.
Personal information: Tyyni Niemela, 20 years, single laborer from Parkano. Able to read and write. Not in the US before. Father has paid the ticket. Tyyni is 5 ft 7 inches, has light skin, brown hair.
Brother John Makinen´s obituary in The Ontonagon Herald newspaper May 14, 1964
Sister Tyyne Hietala in Cloquet
Minnesota Death Index
Tyyne Julia Hietala b. 21.3.1890 d. 2.8.1968 Carlton MN