Moisio Efraim Efraiminpoika
Parkano church records
b.15.1.1882 Parkano
Parents: Tenant farmer Efraim Juhonpoika Kuusikoski, Moisio b.23.12.1837 Ikaalinen Jämijärvi and Eeva Stiina Juhantytär Jouttenmäki b.30.11.1845 Parkano
Passport record to USA 5.12.1902
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer´s son, single
Passenger record from Finland not found
Passport record 22.12.1904 to USA
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer´s son, single
Passenger record 28.12.1904
From Hanko on Polaris, age 22 years
Plans to continue 3.1.1905 on Saxonia, Cunard Line
Destination: Worcester MA
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Saxonia 3.1.1905 and arrives in Boston 12.1.1905. Going to friend Johan Kangas, 220 Graves Str, Worcester MA
Personal information: Efraim Moisio, 22 years, single laborer from Turku, Finland. Can read and write. Has paid his own ticket and now has 20 dollars. Efraim has lived in Seney, MI 1902-04.
Moisio Helmi Aleksandra
Parkano church records
b. 7.2.1901 Parkano
Parents: Tenant farmer Jooseppi Efraiminpoika Moisio b. 31.3.1874 Parkano and Eufrosyyne Adamintytär Laurikka b. 20.11.1871 Parkano
Passenger record 23.2.1924 (Helmi A Moisio)
From Hanko no Baltic, age 23 years
Plans to continue 1.3.1924 on Montrose, C.P.O.S. Line. Destination St.John, NB Canada
Information from relatives
d.1958 Canada
Husband: Valte Johannes Johanneksenpoika Isoaho, Kauppi b.31.1.1899 Parkano
Moisio Hugo Julius Juhanpoika
Parkano church records
b. 25.11.1895 Parkano
Parents: Johan Emil Iisakinpoika Moisio b. 13.3.1870 Parkano and Eufrosyyne Nikodemuksentytär b. 26.5.1867 Parkano
Note: Hugo is not related to the other Moisio´s on this page. His home farm was located in Kihniö village, Korhonen farm
New York passenger lists
Sails from Southampton on Majestic 3.10.1923 and arrives in New York 10.10.1923. Going to miss Emilia Kivela, Box 16, Negaunee MI
Personal information: Hugo Moisio, 27 years, single laborer from Kihniä. Nearest relative in Finland sister Matilda Moisio, Kihma. Hugo has paid his own ticket and has 25 dollars. He has not been in the US before. Hugo is 6 ft 3 inches, has light skin, dark hair and blue eyes. Something wrong with his middle finger
Moisio Julius Efraiminpoika
Parkano church records
b.13.6.1876 Parkano
Parents: Tenant farmer Efraim Juhonpoika Kuusikoski, Moisio b.23.12.1837 Ikaalinen Jämijärvi and Eeva Stiina Juhantytär Jouttenmäki b.30.11.1845 Parkano
Passport record 30.1.1903 to USA
Occupation in Finland: Tenant farmer´s son, single
Passenger record 4.2.1903
From Hanko on Arcturus, age 26 years
Plans to continue 11.2.1903 on Cedric, White Star Line. Destination: Seney MI
Returns to Finland and emigrates again:
Passenger record 13.3.1907
From Hanko on Polaris, age 30 years
Plans to continue 19.3.1907 on Ivernia, Cunard Line. Destination Newberry MI
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool on Ivernia 19.3.1907 and arrives in Boston 28.3.1907. Going to brother ? Moisio in Newberry, MI
Personal information: Julius Moisio, 30 years, single laborer from Parkano. Able to read and write. Has lived in Newberry MI 1903-06. Paid his own ticket and now has 20 dollars. His height unclear in record. Skin light, hair brown, eyes blue.