Maki Maunu
Border crossings from Canada
Enters Canada 1.2.1907 on Empress of Britain and crosses the border to Michigan 20.4.1907. Going to brother Johannes Jarvenmaki, Superior WI
Personal information: Maunu Maki, 30 years, married laborer from Parkano. Able to read and write. Has lived in Superior WI and Newberry MI for 3 years 1901-03. Has paid his own ticket and now has 20 dollars. Maunu is 5ft 11.5 inches, has medium skin, brown hair and blue eyes. Born in Parkano
Note: This is probably Manasse Järvenmäki b. 9.4.1876
Maki Victor
WWII Draft card 26.4.1942
Victor Maki, 54 years, born in Parkano 28.5.1887. Residence 9 Milton Str, Worcester MA. Nearest relative Hilda Maki, same address. Not employed. Victor is 5 ft 10 inches, 190 pounds, has blue eyes, brown hair and light skin. Injured to back, unable to work
There is no Victor born in Parkano 28th May 1887