Humminen Linda Emilia
Passport record 26.5.1905 toAmerica
Linda Emilia Humminen, b.1882
Occupation: Lodger, single
Passenger record 31.5.1905
From Hanko on Polaris, age 19 years (this is a discrepancy, needs to be verified!)
Plans to continue 10.6.1905 on Etruria, Cunard Line
Destination: Painesville OH
Boston passenger lists
Sails from Liverpool 6.6.1905 on Saxonia and arrives in Boston 15.6.1905. Going to brother-in-law Teemu Johnson, Box 221, Fairport Harbor OH.
Personal information: Linda Humminen, 19 years, single servant from Parkano. Has not been in the US before.